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Private model


You can upload your model onto, where anyone can create private models. When creating one, an accessKey will be generated. When the model's project is updated to private, an accessKey is also created.


You can copy the accessKey of your privately created model on the model details page


To pass the authentication, include the accessKey in the parameters when adding the private model.

Basic Job

For private model, lora, and embedding, you need to include the accessKey for authentication.

Request Example:

"request_id": "{{requestId}}",
"stages": [
"inputInitialize": { "seed": "-1", "count": 1 }
"type": "DIFFUSION",
"diffusion": {
"width": 960,
"height": 720,
"prompts": [{ "text": "a boy" }],
"negativePrompts": [{ "text": "nsfw" }],
"sdModel": "660447313082219790",
"sdVae": "vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt",
"sampler": "DDIM",
"steps": 30,
"cfgScale": 9,
"clipSkip": 2,
"denoisingStrength": 0.5,
"v1Clip": true,
"modelAccessKey": "modelAccessKey",
"lora": {
"items": [
"loraModel": "660447313082219790",
"weight": 1,
"loraAccessKey": "loraAccessKey"
"embedding": {
"items": [
"model": "660447313082234679",
"weight": 1,
"embeddingAccessKey": "embeddingAccessKey"

Workflow Job

For nodes that require loading private models, you need to add the accessKey. The following nodes need to add accessKey at present: CheckpointLoaderSimple, ImageOnlyCheckpointLoader, CheckpointLoaderSimpleWithNoiseSelect, LoraLoader, XY Input: Checkpoint, Efficient Loader, CR Load LoRA, LoraLoaderModelOnly, ttN pipeLoader, LoraLoader|pysssss, CheckpointLoader|pysssss

Request Example:

"request_id": "{{requestId}}",
"params": {
"21": {
"classType": "KSampler",
"inputs": {
"cfg": 8,
"denoise": 0.6,
"latent_image": ["35", 0],
"model": ["31", 0],
"negative": ["28", 0],
"positive": ["27", 0],
"sampler_name": "dpmpp_sde_gpu",
"scheduler": "karras",
"seed": 911746105591226,
"steps": 25
"properties": { "Node name for S&R": "KSampler" }
"26": {
"classType": "CheckpointLoaderSimple",
"inputs": {
"_base_model": "SD 1",
"ckpt_name": "601380436024757697",
"tams_ckpt_name": "慧晏秋v7 - 1.0",
"access_key": "xxyyzz999888"
"properties": { "Node name for S&R": "CheckpointLoaderSimple" }
"27": {
"classType": "CLIPTextEncode",
"inputs": { "clip": ["31", 1], "text": "1 girl" },
"properties": { "Node name for S&R": "CLIPTextEncode" }
"28": {
"classType": "CLIPTextEncode",
"inputs": { "clip": ["31", 1], "text": "low quality" },
"properties": { "Node name for S&R": "CLIPTextEncode" }
"29": {
"classType": "VAEDecode",
"inputs": { "samples": ["21", 0], "vae": ["26", 2] },
"properties": { "Node name for S&R": "VAEDecode" }
"30": {
"classType": "SaveImage",
"inputs": { "filename_prefix": "TensorArt", "images": ["29", 0] },
"properties": {}
"31": {
"classType": "LoraLoader",
"inputs": {
"_base_model": "SD 1",
"clip": ["26", 1],
"lora_name": "660447313082219790",
"model": ["26", 0],
"strength_clip": 1,
"strength_model": 1,
"tams_lora_name": "【调节波霸大小】波霸大球大小调节器 - v2.0",
"access_key": "xxyyzz999999"
"properties": { "Node name for S&R": "LoraLoader" }
"35": {
"classType": "EmptyLatentImage",
"inputs": { "batch_size": 1, "height": 512, "width": 512 },
"properties": { "Node name for S&R": "EmptyLatentImage" }