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Basic rules

Basic information

All API requests must use HTTPS.

Data Format

All data is transmitted in JSON format.

Parameter compatibility

  • The success of the request is independent of the order of the request parameters
  • The success of the request is independent of the order in which key value pairs appear in the request JSON
  • The key of the request and response headers, ignoring case, for example, content type is equivalent to content type.
  • When processing responses, the order in which key value pairs appear in response JSON should not be assumed
  • The new API version may include new parameters or JSON key value pairs in requests or responses
  • The new API version will not remove mandatory parameters or JSON key value pairs that already exist in requests and responses
  • When the value of the JSON key-value pair in the request or response is null, it can be omitted

Character Set

Only a subset of UTF-8 character encoding is supported: characters encoded using one to three bytes. Four to six byte encoded characters in Unicode auxiliary planes are not supported.\

Error Information

Use HTTP status codes to represent the results of request processing.

  • For successfully processed requests, if there is a response message body, a "200" status code will be returned.
  • If the request processing fails due to missing required input parameters or parameter errors, an error code in the "4xx" range will be returned.
  • In case of service system errors during request processing, status codes of "500/501/503" will be returned. This situation is less common.

Error code and error message

When a request processing fails, in addition to indicating the error through the HTTP status code, the API will provide a specific error description in the response message body to explain the exact reason for the error.

  • code:Detailed error code
  • message:Error description, using easily understandable language to represent the reason for the error.
  • details: Error details, used for viewing specific error reasons.

User Agent

  • Use the default User-Agent of the HTTP client.
  • Follow the HTTP protocol and compose a unique User-Agent by including the name and version information of your own system and application.